Patient Rights and Responsibilities
We believe all people have certain rights that deserve to be respected. We also believe that people have certain responsibilities. When both are honored, together we create an environment for health and healing.
Patient Rights
You have the right to…
- Consideration and regard for your personal dignity
- Know the clinic rules, regulations and policies that apply to you
- Courteous and respectful care
- Be addressed by the name you prefer
- Receive care in smoke free surroundings
- Be told about your diagnosis, plan of care, treatments, test results and prognosis in terms you understand
- Know the name and purpose of staff involved in your care
- In advance, discuss the risks, benefits, and alternatives to tests, procedures and treatments with your doctor
- Request more information if you need it
- Assistance if you are unable to hear or see, to speak the English language or read well
Care and Services
- Access to the quality care and services you need for health and healing
- Discuss plans for ongoing health needs and about resources to meet those needs
- Take part in all aspects of your care
- Give consent before care is given
- Transfer to another facility, as long as the other facility accepts you for care
Pain Management
As a patient at this clinic, you can expect…
- Information about pain and pain relief measures
- A concerned staff committed to pain prevention and management
- Health professionals who respond quickly to reports of pain
- Your reports of pain will be believed
- Sate of the art pain management
- Dedicated pain relief specialists
Refusing Treatment
…as far as the law permits…
- Refuse a test, treatment or procedure
- Leave the clinic, as long as you are:
- capable of making this decision
- free from certain infectious diseases
- not a danger to yourself or others
- Willing to accept the consequences
- Know the medical risks of refusing treatment or leaving the clinic
- Express dissatisfaction with your care or treatment without fear of harm
- A reasonable response to your complaint
- Have your records kept private
- It is required by law to report
- certain diseases
- injuries from assault
- child or elder abuse, whether or not you give permission
- Only have those staff caring for you reviewing issues regarding your care (complaints, quality and reimbursement issues, discuss your care, or read your record)
Living Will
- Receive information about living wills
- Have a “durable power of attorney for health care” – someone you trust to make health decisions for you when you are unable
- Know about research and education projects that may affect your care
- Participate in research projects after understanding the risks and benefits
- Refuse, at any point, to take part in research projects
- Be given a clear explanation of your bill
- Know about finances as they relate to your care and care choices
Patient Responsibilities
You have the responsibility to…
- Treat staff and other patients with consideration and respect
- Follow clinic rules, regulations and policies that apply to you
- Ask your family and visitors to honor clinic rules, regulations and policies
- Refrain from smoking within 100 feet of our building; ask for nicotine gum or patches if you need them
- Treat staff and other patients with consideration and respect
- Follow clinic rules, regulations and policies that apply to you
- Ask your family and visitors to honor clinic rules, regulations and policies
- Refrain from smoking within 100 feet of our building; ask for nicotine gum or patches if you need them
Care and Services
- Take part in planning your care
- Assist in your own care as fully as you are able; cooperate with your caregivers
- Learn what you can do to care for yourself
- Follow instructions, or tell us when and why you are unable to do so
- Sign your consent form when it is given to you
- Keep follow-up appointments
Pain Management
…As a patient at this clinic, we expect you will…
- Ask your doctor or nurse what to expect regarding pain and pain management
- Discuss pain relief options with your doctors and nurses
- Ask for pain relief when pain first begins
- Help your doctor and nurse assess your pain
- Tell your doctor or nurse if your pain is not relieved
- Tell your doctor or nurse about any worries you have about taking pain medication
Refusing Treatment
- Accept the risks to your health when you refuse treatment or leave the clinic against the advice of your doctor
- Sign a form releasing us from responsibility for any harm that comes to you
- Complaints
- Report any questions or concerns about your care or treatment; to voice a complaint, ask to speak with the manager or executive director
- Let us know who you want to have access to your records; we will ask you to sign a release form
- Respect the privacy and confidentiality rights of other patients
Living Will
- Provide a copy of your living will if you have one
- Identify a “durable power for attorney for health care” – someone you trust to make health decisions for you when you are unable
- Notify staff when you decide not to participate in research projects
- Identify your payment sources
- Pay your bills in a timely manner
- BCC does not store, dispense, or manage any medications brought into the organization by patients or their families
- BCC does not assume responsibility for such medications taken by a patient while at BCC
- If a patient has an adverse reaction to a medication while in the facility, BCC will refer the patient to the Emergency Department